Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another New Album, Another New Year

Well, again, it's been too long.  As Yeats said, "All things can distract me from this craft of verse," or something kinda like that.

Anyway, the band has a new live album.  You should know I hate live albums.  Even Kiss Alive sucks, I think, and it's the same for any other live recording.  I can think of none that measure up.  (Sorry, those of you who love bootlegs.  I genuinely and generally feel that artists' intentions are best fostered in studios.  Live recordings are like black and white reproductions of master paintings.  If you catch my drift.)

But, that being said, everyone who listens to the damn thing, of course, tells me it's our best recording.  Shit.  What's a guy to do.  Harlan Ellison once said that the public never likes the work closest to your heart.  Such is the way of things.

And so, here's a video of "Floyd Hill Whiteout," from the new cd.  We made it with tiny Canon cameras, and in order to upload it here, it has to be a rather smallish file.  Keep that in mind while you watch.  On the upside, it kinda gives you the feeling of what it's like to be onstage while we play.

Cheers, and happy 2012.  May the end of the world be lovely for us all.